A/C Tune-Up in Elgin

A/C Tune-Up in Elgin

Spring and Fall: the two times for an A/C Tune-up.

We Are Tune-Up Experts

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” That’s something you hear from time to time. And sometimes it makes a lot of sense. But there are times when it’s bad advice, and in connection with a tune-up for your air conditioning would be one of those times.

Don't Wait Until It's Broken

It sometimes seems that domestic appliances always go wrong at the most inconvenient time. The reality is that they are most likely to go wrong when fully loaded – and when they are fully loaded is almost always the most inconvenient time for a failure, which is where the idea comes from. But it isn’t fate. It isn’t a malign blow from some force you can’t withstand. In the case of air conditioning, failure usually occurs either because the equipment has exceeded any possible useful life the manufacturer could have intended for it, or (and this is more common) because it’s been neglected.

A neglected air-conditioner is one that has not been tuned up from one year’s end to the next. It can fail for no other reason than that it has been neglected. That sort of failure is very avoidable. The best time for a tune-up is either in early spring, just before you start using it in earnest, or in early autumn when air conditioning season is over for another year.

Schedule a Tune-Up

We are not going to go into great detail about what a tune-up for an air-conditioning system involves because, really, you probably have a pretty good idea. Call us and we’ll tell you what we’re going to do, why we’re going to do it, and what we’ll charge. Let’s do our best to make sure you get through to this time next year without any expensive problems.

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