Condensing and non-condensing gas furnaces in Illinois.
Across America, about half the gas furnaces being shipped are condensing furnaces, but here in Illinois that percentage increases to two thirds. Why? Because winters here are cold and the job of a furnace is to heat warm air in winter and circulate it – and condensing furnaces have a higher Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency (AFUE). They do that by reusing some of the heat that a non-condensing furnace would vent out of the home.
It’s complicated, though, by the Department of Energy (DOE)’s continual drive to increase the minimum AFUE percentage, and by the fact that moving from a non-condensing to a condensing furnace can mean more changes than just swapping one furnace for another, so it can cost more than you may be expecting.
Gas furnaces were the first appliances to be covered by a federal appliance standard. It took effect in 1992, nearly a quarter of a century ago, and was set at 78, meaning that the furnace output 78 units of heat for every 100 units of energy input. That’s now 90, and the DOE wants to move it to 92 – and will likely want to follow that with further moves until it arrives at the holy grail: a 1 for 1 input/output trade.
The technology to make that possible may never exist. In the meantime, for gas furnace advice in Illinois, get in touch with Climate Control Services. We’re here to help.
| Climate Control Services LLC